Home Page |
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The MFF project is an effort to provide information for teachers and classrooms about forestry, especially concerning Michigan's forests. There is a clear need to emphasize "forest management" material, simply because we could not find much "out there" on the topic and because a number of teachers have requested this sort of information. More importantly, Michigan has nationally outstanding forests, a long history of forest management, and forests and forest industry is vital to our state (and not just in monetary terms). Forestry is a marvelous topic for integrated education and using benchmarks from science, social studies, English language arts, and mathematics.
The USE and MANAGEMENT of Michigan's forest is critical to the future well-being of not only Michigan residents, but is integrated to the health and well-being of North America and the rest of the world. Good forestry provides some of the finest examples of "thinking globally and acting locally" that our State has to offer.
We hope that the "Michigan Forests Forever" materials will be used state-wide in an effort to heighten the awareness among students about the vital connection between people and forests. While it is true that "forests don't need people", it is equally true that "people need forests". Without thoughtful planning and management, the demands we place on our forests will overwhelm the forest's natural ability to provide them.
Finally, we hope the materials provide an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-implement resource for the classroom. Your suggestions are always welcome.
A Word About Images In This Website
Most (not all) graphs, charts, and pictures are represented by a "THUMBNAIL" image. The thumbnail is a small representation of the full image. If you "click" on the thumbnail, the full image will appear. At teacher request, images rarely include descriptive text, and can be easily "copy-n-pasted" into most any software (handout, slide show, etc.). The use of thumbnails allows web pages to load quicker into Internet browsers. Users can choose which images they wish to see full size. Most browsers will indicate that an image is a thumbnail by placing a blue border around it. Most of the images are available for classroom and educational use without copyright infringement (see credits for more information on this).
Table of Contents
(detailed with hyperlinks)
Copyright page, as necessary, for material on this website
U.P. Tree Identification: http://uptreeid.com
"BeLEAF It or Not!" videos on Youtube
Website Organization
There are six educational modules to this Teachers Guide (pre-test information, tree basics, environment, products, recreation, and balance) and four support modules (welcome page, references, benchmark matrix, glossary, index, and credits). Each page on this website provides links to each of these ten modules, plus links to the home page, table of contents, and credits.
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Activity Suggestion Forestry Exercise XYZ |
The site is inter-linked in hundreds of ways, making the tool more useful. Each page has a link box in the upper right-hand corner that links to each of the main portions of this website. Additionally, watch for the "Activity Boxes" that link to content-specific activities and exercises suggestions. Some suggestions are built into tables within the page, while most are listed in the Activity Boxes.
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This website was developed and created by Michigan State University Extension for the teachers of the State of Michigan. |
Page Name: Welcome.htm